I've wondered for several years why no one has decided to create a new capital somewhere safe from the rising water. Think of all the opportunities for graft in order to build a whole new city! All of that concrete! Instead they keep putting more money and resources into a sinking city

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My thoughts exactly

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Between the incompetence and corruption, it takes forever years of ineptitude to complete a road - one that ends up 3 times the price and lasts a few months before needing repairs.

I can’t imagine the political will needed in this country to get a whole city done.

The only way forward is tried and tested formula of special economic zones [UAE, China, Taiwan, Korea etc] - manufacturers and logistics allowed to operate with independence. But this needs efficient ports and customs - ugh.

This country by design is top heavy, everything flows upwards - including the economy. Of what benefit to royals would any long term plan be?

When you’ve got an economic model set up like this there’s no room for investment.

The last thing they need is to improve things too much.

Thailand = developed North Korea.

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thanks again for another in-depth examination of Thailand's many (re)current crises; the vid of the woman blocking the Skytrain escalator is as stunning in its depiction of her bravery as the vid of Penguin being beaten as his mother screams is disturbing in its stark brutality!!!

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