You suggest, Andrew, that K10 is unlikely to have any more children because of health issues. However, there is always the possibility that many years ago he had sperm deposited in a sperm bank for future use. It is merely a question of who the 'lucky lady' or ladies(?) might be.

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i think that virtually everybody hopes Vaji's passing comes sooner rather than later...

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wasn't there some old prophecy that the line would stop at 10?

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I agree with this analysis but unfortunately it doesn't make me feel anymore optimistic about the longer term future of Thailand. The military will survive without the Palace. Previously they survived through prestige. In the future they will survive through raw power and wealth.

No independent institutions, a weak democratic tradition, and a small cabal of oligarch families controlling the economy all point to a continuation of an autocratic and illiberal regime in some form far into the future.

Yes there is a thirst for change amongst the young but without the institutions to deliver it I don't see a path.

I desperately hope I am wrong. Andrew if you have any thoughts on a brighter future I would love to read an article on it 😊

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You’re absolutely right that the military will remain a pernicious influence on Thai politics for longer than the monarchy. Real progress may be decades away. It will be very interesting to see how events unfold across the border in Myanmar. If protests there continue and the military regime stumbles, that would be hugely positive for Thai democracy too. But if Myanmar’s generals manage to entrench themselves then it will be easier for the Thai military to consolidate power. A post on whether there are reasons for optimism is a very good suggestion, thanks, and thanks also for subscribing to Secret Siam!

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